Saturday, October 18, 2008

World cutest insect named after a blogger!


I really envy this guy...

want to know more: click here

He has an insect named after him..... I want something to be named after me too.. you would also, right?

Not to be outdone, I head a team of 6 to a jungle.... to search for new species.... you know, anything new without a name.

Who knows, I maybe lucky..

Arrived at the destination at about 15 minutes to 1pm. Weather, very hot. Decided to take a nap first... you know, sleepy head is not sharp is finding new species....

Woke up about 2 hours later... and started to say hello to all the insects....

Grashopper..... spiders.... and caught a few other known insects... in a very serious position making out.

Had been feeling a bit dissappointed after 30 minutes.. and decided to call it a day.. after failing to find what i was looking for...

Suddenly, this fella caught my attention... I had never seen anything like this..


Let me know if you know the species of this fella.... or am I just found a new species?




cube said...

I have no idea what that critter is because I'll be running in the other direction. Yikes!

I have a biology degree. I love animals, but I hate bugs.

Anonymous said...

creepius crawlius?

Cyren Asteraceya said...

You're in luck!

I happen to like bugs. Well not ALL bugs admitedly...but most are cool! I suppose.

Btw, that doctor's bug...has a very funny name. Something something megastick or something. I couldn't stop laughing when I read it.

Oh right. Anyway, your looks a lot like an assasin bug. But there's just so many kinds I cannot identify it for you.

limcyam said...

all: Thanks for your feedback.. I am still clueless.