Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Angry.... IQ Test... what next?


To be frank, I was very angry with someone on the blogosphere... today.

To me, he had crossed the point of no return and offended me endlessly. He has to pay...

To reduce my bitterness, I had these bad thoughts on how I am to take my revenge to him!

To give him the taste of his own medicine..... so to speak.

Half way plotting my evil plan.... and reducing my good karma... I came across something interesting on his website... yeah right, I got to do my homework right?

It was something that I wanted to do but never take the time or trouble to do it correctly....

I clicked at the link.. and finished the test!! Immediately, I was transformed.

Below is the link that distracted my angry mind, in order for me to regain the state of mindfullness!

IQ Test!

..wow, looks like I am not that bad after all! This is my result:

IQ Test Score

He must be 'fated' to be my teacher... somehow. Life is full of mystery.

May all be well and happy!!

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